Today is a special day. I am off of work, but I'm also very tired from this past week. I'm sitting here and relaxing. I deserve to relax after working hard. I am currently thinking about a combination of what I think are some common issues that we Christians seem to face over and over again. We all want love, we all want sex, and we all want Jesus. Our solution to this combination is get married, and follow Jesus. The problem is, a lot of us have a lot of trouble achieving that combination in the way that the Bible describes. So people will often times, try to find a quick solution to the problem, and then find themselves in sin. For me, that sin is often classified as "lust". It is thoughts in my brain, and my feelings. While it is wrong, it happens when I'm the most tired and alone. I don't think I need a lecture on this. But if someone wants to pray that the Holy Spirit would help me emotionally to feel more positive and put my focus more on Jesus, that would be good for me! But I think we need to pray for all those like me out there. Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you will be with all the single and lonely people out there. Help them to find the solution that you have for them. Help them to feel your love and understanding. In Jesus' Name, Amen.