Beloved of All
Please please all.pray lord lord please I pray I decree and declare in jesus christ name absolutely absolutely no no no more dissappoitments hurt with absolutely any any photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos video calls taken of me that I need to delete hate feel insecure about absolutely no no no more of this please never ever again ever please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please lord bless bless make me absolutely every every single part of me please lord awsomley amazing incredibly outstanding incredibly so so so very very very photogenic in absolutely every way form there is to be photogenic in every single way part of me please lord right now always in absolutely all every photographes videos video calls taken of me that I am truly truly astonisted amazed blown away overwhelmed with incredibly joy happiness in jesus name I ask you please please lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please make me absolutely every single part of me me please
look incredibly incredibly awsome amazing incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning incredibly truly breathtaking out of this world please please lord as I deeply desire deeply desire in every single way part of me in absolutely absolutely all every single all every photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watapp videos face time videos absolutely any all videos calls taken of me alot alog betree than absolutely all every top class models celebrities in jesus christ name alot alot alot betrer than absolutely absolutely all every single all every girls women on face book instagraham that I have admired for years in jesus christ name alot alot alot alot alot better please please please lord than absolutely absolutely all every single all every filters without absolutely no no no filters at all that I am truly truly truly astonisted amazed blown away overwhelmed with joy never ever ever ever in any way need to hate delete feel insecure about ever in jesus christ name I cover all every photographes videos video calls taken of me me with thd blood blood of jesus in jesus name I pled pled the blood blood of jesus over absolutely all every photographes videis selfies video calls taken of me with the blood blood of jesus absolutely no no weapons formed against any of my photographes videos will prosper ever in jesus christ name absolutely absolutely absolutely no no more hurt pain dissappoitments woth any any photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watapp videos video calls taken of me that I need to delete no no no more pf this never ever ever again ever please lord in jesus christ namess