Beloved of All
Lord please please please absolutely absolutely no no more hurt pain sadness sorrow disappointments fear sadness sorrow with any any any photographs videos selfies snap chat photographs snap chat videos whatsapp videos any videos calls taken of me never ever ever again ever please lord in Jesus Christ name I ask you lord please bless bless make me me absolutely every single part of me me incredibly incredibly the total total total very very best ever photogenic person there is in absolutely every single way form part of me in absolutely every way in absolutely all every photographs videos selfies snap chat photographs snap chat videos whatsapp videos face time videos any videos calls taken of me alot alot alot better please lord than absolutely all every top class models celebrities alot better than absolutely all every film stars in Jesus Christ name alit better than absolutely all every miss worlds miss universe alot better than absolutely all every girls women on face book instagram tik tok alkt alot better than absolutely all every filters without absolutely no filters at all that I am truly truly incredibly incredibly astonished amazed blown away overwhelmed with incredibly joy happiness never ever ever in any way form need to delete hate feel insecure about ever in Jesus Christ names.