i am having much trouble with my laptop and especially my internet and wifi signalFinal Update
this young girl was doing better and then had a major set back yet again
due i believe to taking drugs yesterday
i just spoke to her grandmother that there is nothing else i can do to help her
but either Alchoholics Anonymous or a good Pastor and church may be able to help her
i am asking everyone to say a final prayer for her to get the miracle help she needs
i also had to exxplain to her grandmother that if her granddaughter continues
to harrass me i will have to report this to their local police department
i had gotten very sick yesterday and last night from all of this stress and
i realized i am just not strong enough to continue with this assignment anymore
the grace is gone as far as my being able to minister to her as a volunteer anymore
but i know that The Lord Jesus will send someone stronger then me now to continue
the help and assistance that was started in her life...and someone wiser too...
we all plant seeds in each other's lives
and then yet many others are sent by God to water those seeds and till the soil
and continue until there is a miraculous harvest and much good fruit
please kindly now pray for me that i become stronger and very well again
and healthy happy and free at last from this terrible burden i had carried
for far too long...i did my very best in Jesus's name...God will send others now...amen...
thank-you everyone who has prayed over this request
your prayers are never in vain...May God Bless All Of You...Amen xoxox
but i wanted to re-post this final prayer request as myself because it was not suppossed to be anonymous.....thank-you everyone xoxox