Please continue to pray for my situation with the man I'm in love with (this is my 4th prayer request about this)! Early in the week last week, he gave me more hope than ever that he was in love with me too & would ask me out soon. Midweek, he kind of became less responsive online. I know he could've been busy but it seemed kind of odd. I've felt so hopeful about us since March, & I've prayed endlessly about it, but the last few days, I feel like that hope is dwindling & I've spent more time than I'd like to admit in tears thinking about it! I didn't mean to fall so hard in love, but it was truly love at first sight & I fall harder every day! We live in different states, which means we can only communicate virtually most of the time right now. I would move in a heartbeat to be with him & would love to travel with him for his job (a job that's perfect for bringing family & friends along) but I don't know how to tell him that without it being too much. I had a chance about a month ago to ask him out when he was in town but I was too scared. I did get to spend some quality time then with him & a friend, which I thought would lead to him asking me on a real date, even if only over video chat, but he still hasn't. He says things online (publicly) that heavily imply he loves me & is just scared, but I have done everything short of just saying, "I love you! Please ask me out," to show him I'm interested, so I don't understand why he'd be scared still. I've noticed he doesn't ever like my posts on social media (although he does spend the majority of his social media time on his page for his job - he's somewhat of a public figure, so I guess I get that) but he does usually love my comments on his posts. He does like posts from a couple of our mutual female friends, which kind of makes me uncomfortable but I also think it could be because they're just friends & I'm different & he's still scared about how I might feel about him. He hasn't had a girlfriend in over a decade & he tends to be insecure about a lot of things (that he really shouldn't be insecure about), so that's why I think he might just honestly not know how to handle it. I'm just feeling tired, weak, & drained from the waiting & not knowing! Ideally, I would like him to ask me out soon! My next choice would be that we end up together but I have to wait around for longer (which means I'm over here suffering, but get a good payoff in the end). My 3rd choice would be that if he's not the one for me, that he would break my heart soon. (I am in way too deep emotionally! It would already hurt like nobody's business, but the longer this goes on, the stronger my love grows & the more it will hurt!) I just do not want this to linger on & then he rejects me! I've always had this deadline in my head of his birthday, which is pretty soon, but I need guidance from God on if that's too soon or too late or what. I know that God has a plan for my life & I just want His will to be done! I just ask that you pray that I can have peace, hope, strength, & clarity during this confusing time! I also ask that you pray for him to have courage, clarity, strength, & peace during this time as well! I pray that God's will be done in both of our lives!