Humble Servant
God, this situation with V hurts me so much and I’m angry about him with what he has decided to do, to say to me, to hang out with S, to betray me, to treat me the way he has, to walk S during the hike, to be rude, but I know my anger won’t solve the problem or change V. So I trust You, my loving Father God Jesus Christ. I’m going to stay sweet and keep being nice. I’m going to keep doing good because that’s what You put me here for. And as I trust You and go about blessing others, I’m going to watch You vindicate me and do what needs to be done in this situation. Yes, please be my vindicator and please send the Holy Spirit to help me to do the right thing in Your way and help V to see YOU because I know lots of people in the ministry is reaching out to him right now and Father God, please break into V to speak to him directly. I think You are the only One who can break into him and show him that YOU really love him and he NEEDS YOU more than he needs anything else...that goes the same for me...I NEED YOU more than I need anything or anyone.
Father, I'm praying for my health. Please be my personal doctor and heal me spiritually, physically, psychologically, emotionally and mentally. I need to stop crying now and start loving YOU, me and the people in my life...(W, D, M, S, G, U, A, V) Thank you for forgiving me, listening to me, dealing with me and loving me.
Please bless me with peace, love, good health, joy and hope. Please heal my health before I even go to the doctors and praying for healing before I go to all the exams. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Father, I'm praying for my health. Please be my personal doctor and heal me spiritually, physically, psychologically, emotionally and mentally. I need to stop crying now and start loving YOU, me and the people in my life...(W, D, M, S, G, U, A, V) Thank you for forgiving me, listening to me, dealing with me and loving me.
Please bless me with peace, love, good health, joy and hope. Please heal my health before I even go to the doctors and praying for healing before I go to all the exams. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.