*O Lord of Hosts, I pray that You will help me and everyone in this prayer site to change, according to the image of Your Son, and that which is not dependent on us, You change it by the work of Your Holy Spirit and Your Word, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Dear God, please look mercifully to me and to my brothers and sisters here and help us truly die for sin, for our flesh, for the world, and to live only for You and this to be forever, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Lord, pray also for my parents Petranka and Geno, for my relatives Margarita, Hristo, Dian; also for Kosta, Nikola, Pavel Zahariev, Pavel Boev, Donika, Kiril, Tonka, Velizar, Stanislav, Veronika, Ignat, Daniel, Nedelin, Ivanka, Geri, Brother Mitko, Svetla, Nikolai, Yordanka, Anton, Miro, Nivelin, Kaloyan, Teodor, Pavel, Ivo Noev, Stefka, Ivo Genchev, Minko, Chavdar, Andrei, Stoyanka, Stefka(Vesko's sister) and Zhivko - You to reveal Himself in a new way, to work in their hearts to know You, Your love and to give their help you to respond to Your call of God! All this I ask and I pray in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, who is the Lord!
*Let us pray for Tihomir - the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to him, to bring him closer to Himself, to spiritual revival and growth in Christ!
*Let us pray for Krasimir and Gergana - complete healing, restoration and blessing in the Name and Wounds of Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for your support, I deeply appreciate this!