Beloved of All
pleas epray for me and my relationship with my mother. my mothe rhas asperger syndorme and iwe fight all day everday 24/7. we are carign for my gradnma. i pray God hela my mom and hela me too . asking God ot intervene and healu sall of us my grandma especially too as she has been bedridden for years. i feel also a bit low im 34 an dnot married and also need helaign of diabetes. i feel sad as i feeel low on myself. Lor dif oíu do have a husband for me i pory He is emoitonally mature and we cancommucniate. pelas ehal him if he has asperger syndrome adn form all illnesses and heal me Lord. Lord all thigns are possible ontu you iturnt o you for help. pleas ehal my dad emotionally as well as physiclaly hela his heart emotinally dleiver him form all ucnlean spirits. dleiver allpeople form unclena spirits heal my uncle neurlogically and phycially. heal my brother fo histamien intoleracne. Lord help em to serve oyu giv eme hope in you Lord. for for a future please hal all who nee dhelaign dleivernce form cancer diabetws heal my grandmas hihg bloos sugar high bloos pressur epelas ehal my bloos vessels. Lor dim very stressed becuas e mye and myothe rifhgt ll the time. please place firm and helathy locvign boundaries between us. heal my mother os she can have better udnerstanign for me. heal her os she can discern facial expressions intentions tone of voice an dhela me so i can heal form you Lord clearly with right facial expression adn right tones. pelas ehal my body my osul my mind emotionas and and please forgive my sins. set me on aplain path with an udnerstanign hear help me to turn to oyu Lord ofr ocmapnionship. help me to serve oyu int he manner oyu want Lord. pelas eprotect my hubby form the Lor dform all evil evil doers and giv ehim ehalign in his brian his emoitona heart all his flehs and teeth brign him hop in Chirst and send trillions of Hoyl angels to minsiter to him and his respective fmaily and also to me and my fmaily. pelase ldiev rme form all tartart all diabetesa dn pleas elet their be easy commucniation between me and my mom. pleas ebelss my parent swith health ylgong hayppy lives miraculoulsy heale dby Christ's stripes also for al peopel. pelase give us all life and lfi ein abundance. may the name of he Lord Jeus Christ be glorified in all our lives. als pleas eprotect my and my husabdn marriage whom Christ joined to gethe rel tno one break asunder. also pelas eno 2000 hour metldonwds at hoem im tir and wear.y pelas ealos help me Lor dclena feed and help my grandma pelas eprovid ehe rwiht best clothes. please make my mom better with eye cotnact cooperation adn not always gettign upset over nothign thank oyu Lord. help me to change too Lord wehre i ned to. im tired of always the fighitng. pelas ehla my moms life and my grandma life. pelas elt this be a great day i m wear yof he misunerstnaidns. get he devil out of memme my mother my grandma my dad and brother out of my ubby form the Lord whoever he is. Lor dpelase protect my and my hubyb form all evil and miscommucniations confusions. pleas ebelss oru marriage with joydeivne devine love of roen anoher and togetherness. tell my hubby i love him wheover he is .. no coutnerfeits. protect me and my hubyy formt he Lord form strage marriages strange spouses. Lor dplease join me and my hubby form the Lord at the appointed itmes. help em celan and keep home and provide me the strgnth wisodm adn knoweldge how ot care fo rmy fmaily. pleas elet godo tiems be ahaead. pelase also provid elal peoel with appropriate nutrition please hela my e and heal my teeth psoitions. no yelelign my hoem lor dpelase. thnak you int henameof the lOrd Jeus Chirst. pleas eprotect and heal and regrow my fmialy body parts. pelase help my mom to calm down .. my mom is always upset Lor dplease make her eless upset about everyhitgn pelas ehappy day today fo rh retoo.d elive rher form allways beign upset baout everyhtign im so drined. help me lOrd does every day need ot be so much fighitng?????