Beloved of All
pleas ei beg you help em pleas em ymother always bausign me. no im nto a child im 33. pelase help i am carign for my rgandma who is evry very ill like severely ill. my mother has aspergers syndrom so it is okay to abuse peopel if you have saspergers. but im sick with diabtes.i have no treatment can someone pleas epray that the lord help me. i odnt live anymore my mother twist every aorund always and i m sick and tire fo this
LEASE HELP ME HELP ME I HAVE NO FMAIYL HERE TP HELP AND THEY DONT CARE OSMEON PASE HELP ME: PLEASE IM SOURROUNDED BY EVIL PEOPLE HELP ME HELP ME IM VERY SCK SOMEONE PEAS EHLP ME PLEASE PELAS ELROD PLASE DONT BE SO CRUEL I CNST DO THSI: LIRD if hate so mcuh then end my life. IEIther help me or end my life I NEED help someone pleas ehelpme. Pelase canstt he devil out of me and my fmaily pleas eosmoe ne PEASE PLeas epray i cant do this anymro eim ver yisck please My mom yellsso mcu much icant function pela sie cantdo thi osmeone pela sie beg you if their is any realy Christian persn pleas ehelp me pLEASe reach out to ME OSMEON PLEAS EHELP ME I CANT DO THIS ANYMOR ETHEIR IS NO HELP. Pleas eno mroe bause pelase pelase plea sie cant nust leave becuas emy My EXTRMELEXTRMELY iskc grand,ma needs my help . she doenst speak she doenst open her eyes she doenst move she has severe dementia and my mother abuse sme all day i cant care fo rmysel fmy grandma or my mom becaus every time she she sees me its al ot of verbla abuse PEas eosmeonbdy i NEDont be abused anymroe I need help ,please soemone pelas ehelp me i beg you PAS EOSMEOBODY no mroe abuse Pelas ei beg someobne dy help PELASE i have no moeny no hope no help PLASE PLEAs ehlp mEE.PESASE NO ONE HELPS ME PLAEASE