i just dont feel at home anymore. lord you know i have no one to call my dad except you and you said if a child asks for bread he is not given a stone. please lord am just asking for the bread you promised us , look lord i felt insulted when he said that in ten years he will be rich and he will pay my mum for taking care if our child, but i chose to forgive him , and i know you forgave him too. so please put some senses inside his head and let him know that just the way he expects his dad to advise him this child expect same too . i dont want to give up soon. let him stop taking drugs ,bang and alcohol. i dont know if he is cheating you only know that.just make things right. lord. let us live atestimony. and stop being backbited by others. and his parents to understand and know my situation together with his sister.my mum has nothing to burden her she will be even more stressed out or just give me someone who will be a fathery figer to my son. you are my only friend i cant find a job because am pregnant and i cant betray my body so that i can sustain clinic money maternity money clothing , food school please lord am stressed out help me. please i will give you everything you want from me. i wouldnt forget to thnk thee,.. please lord please . have mercy on me and the baby.amen