Let us all give all praise and honor to God almighty for sending the Comforter who shall be with us. His promise never failed and we continue to see His word in our churches, in our home and in our life.
He changed us for the better. He melt our hearts to see the light, an eternal light that will lead us all to heaven.
When they were gathered together in one place, suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind and filled the entire house. And divided tongues as fire appeared to them. Acts 21.13
Come Holy Spirit we need You. Come to us we pray.
He changed us for the better. He melt our hearts to see the light, an eternal light that will lead us all to heaven.
When they were gathered together in one place, suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind and filled the entire house. And divided tongues as fire appeared to them. Acts 21.13
Come Holy Spirit we need You. Come to us we pray.