Let us all focus on God's Love and our mission to share His Love globally. The bible states that no one knows the time or season and I am good with that. I will keep moving forward sharing His Love.One thing of concern that some pastors do is "dateset"the Rapture the Second coming etc.All of a sudden one proclaims they put some numbers together. and figured out" the time and a few even the hour!!Claiming to figure out God's plans with man's reasoning but worse yet didn't Jesus say"Concerning that day no man knows neither the angels in Heaven or the Son but o ly the Father".Also "If they say the Son. of Man is in the inner chamber do not believe it for as the lightning shines from the east to the west so shall the coming of the Son of Man be".For the pastors to state they figured out God's timing when the Bible states otherwise..uh uh.