Beloved of All
I prophecy 

right now Loose verse Hebrews 4:12 

decree declare demand command as Joanna Leigh Fairres princess of Indonesia my family that's a good thing innocents animals protection world
have peace 
our Energy signatures Joy
of the Lord with us DNA
based period permanently now. If God Almighty gave it to us it stays with us no more robbing or taking over my voice or there's time mind spine. I my family that's a good thing innocents animals have Glory to Glory positions that are ours no one else has them period permanently. I get a Great job that I can have my nails done
be myself bringing back
new beginnings without drama no more disgrace on my face 
from weird off and odd thieves no more secret agents of Satan are able to steal kill block the prayers Loose the verse hit passage 

Daniel 10:12-13 Into existence Angels war easily against any spirits in the heavens or wicked people jezebels people way to wicked to be alive let them have no one's Great feelings inside
that make them happy to leave Gods designs for them period permanently ever again. Restore what the locust has been eating now and the Rain 
used to wash away the evil from my City 
Galt Nation USA and world
today. Everyone has there air they achieved in the womb even. The clicking ends on my throat and I'm applying for the right jobs that I can afford a home safe place and a new vehicle better then before as it broke my heart to be separated from my family and the person I loved then God brought more and I was seperated again. Let the truth come out and bring in more blessings prayers answered to my DNA
based period permanently now and my family that's a good thing innocents I do a video for my metro account and find out the teams names to give them a great survey. God bless Metro America and everyone on this site protection loose verse now 

Psalm 5:12 Shield
is up loose verse

Luke 2:52 Shield
is up my favor with me DNA
based and my family that's a good thing innocents animals protection world
let the thieves hit the verse loose 

John 10:10:10:10 Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz No thieves stealing blocking shame on you I my family that's a good thing innocents animals have life
and life more abundantly. Loose verse 

Gal 3:13 We are redeemed from all curses let the witches warlocks wizards have no seals of protection on there 

heads ever again against Gods will let them be caught today Loose verse 

Duet 28:13 Tailed they are not the head
in anyway period permanently now & Forever
. I get the house 
across the street from the High School 
. Loose the verse 

Psalm 64:2 I my family that's a good thing innocents animals are hidden from the secret counsel of the wicked. Let Albert Salcedo Rick Maria Salcedo Kayleena Freeman Gio Freeman and cohorts Benjamin Vids and Joshua Boss and cohorts Tina and Jo Calzado Horvath and cohorts Christina Creller Judith Paliski Rebecca Myers Luis Torres April Ramirez and cohorts Sara Jake James and cohorts David Trimble and cohorts Shaleen Wolfinger and cohorts Larry Brand Deanna Brand and cohorts Anthony Ferguson and cohorts Myles Hass weird followers or who he follows maybe truth come out I'm not crying anymore God doesn't cry through me anymore about him Selena Gomez and cohorts Kyle and cohortsor whoever killed my life Gods plan have no one's GPS domain dominion online energy not any of my time mind spine energy signatures Joy of the Lord to keep let them vomit
up all there weird sorcery's forever
๏ธlet these people witches warlocks wizards they hired be found with no one's hearts desires no one's sex drives let there witches warlocks wizards witchcraft be destroyed by all people who go against it easily let them have there panic attacks back anxiety back be alone by yourself back
keeping no one's harvest ever again give it back it's not your DNA 

you didn't Pray for anything no water control I'm not in second grade or my family that's a good thing innocents animals protection instead your a spell caster dark black magic doesn't work it's cursed Egypt is your name period permanently wicked workers let no one have peace near you none of my Grace to keep for anything let Gods people win today easily his name
is Jehovah Jireh he meets our needs he's not your God your way to wicked to be alive in my name
means Grace yours doesn't my birth right is with me not someone who steals shame is your name
no peace ever again in my air or my family that's a good thing innocents animals protection forever get off of my prayer site no domain to listen secretly Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen