Myself Caroline. Want prayer request for one of my female friend name Rupa, whenever we talk to each other in a message chat, she always misunderstand me, she's a serious friend doesn't like to joke. I always fell difficult to talk to her, when she'll get angry with my words ,when she'll mind my words can't say it's like that.even if I haven't said anything wrong to her.dont know what kinda person she is. Even for a little thing also she minds me very soon. Getting irritated n all. I'm fed-up with her friendship she' never understand me. I don't want to break up our friendship either. Asking me to say sorry to her, even I haven't said anything wrong words to her. Just as a friend I talk normally to her,n i joke. What's the problem with her I can't understand her. Why she's always misundertandig for my saying?. If I ve done any wrong I'll ask sorry it's k. But if I'm not wrong why to ask sorry. Seems like our friendship relation isn't matching for we both of us.always there's a argument with her. Not able to understand each other.i try to make her understand I didn't meant that n all, but she will prove me as I've said wrong to her. But I didn't.but I was just talking normally to her. Need a serious prayer for we both of us to protect our old friend ship. From breaking. And to understand each other well. For what ever we say to each other. Unless went any wrong. Specially do pray for her she's the main reason for this. She's starting to missunderstand me first. Let us umdsrstand each other. Stay as good friend always .Amen