I saw my wifes phone laying on the counter and it chimed because a message was recieved and FB was still logged into. What I found has shaken me to my core and I am not sure where to go from here. I was wrong, she has been in a full physical affair with her friend since about the 1st or 2nd week of February. This is heartbreaking as we see these people at school functions and football games, and their son is now a friend of our son. Please pray that convicion and guilt be placed on them both, and that God give me the wisdom, strength, and direction on how I am to proceed as I have not confronted her or anyone about this yet. Please pray hard for me (Charles), my family, and about my wife and her "friend". I am not 100% sure how much this ties to her past abuse, but she keeps telling me over this period that it is not me, it is her, and she doesnt want me to fix her. I am truly at a loss and devastated.