Humble Servant
My prayer ministry ptk needs prayer on praying also that I get insight on as well to lead the ministry and as well as prayer is concerned to get insight on the missionaries needs on the field for the men at hope for men in Merced rescue mission for success in my preaching and teaching ministry and other language ministries My worship ministry and for me to find a good wife that wants to help me in ministry the rest of my life if it ain't his will I don't want it and every time I talk about God and his kingdom that the soil the seeds land on is prepared and that it takes root in the people take God's word serious and they don't have the cares of the world choked out God's word when I minister to them also do they bear 100% fruit Lord willing and that he reveals more of my calling and ministry of what exactly he wants me to do and inside and Revelation and knowledge of his will concerning other people's callings illumination for others empowerment and anointing on other people's lives in Jesus name