Greetings Prayer Warriors,
My name is Robert Harmon. I made a job change recently and I thought I was making the right move by giving my 2 week notice and accepting this new job. It's been a long financial struggle due to misinformation given to me during the hiring process. I'm currently...
Still seeking a new job here. Still begging and pleading with God to guide me and direct me to whatever job I'm supposed to be at. I'm hurting here. My wife isn't happy about this unemployment situation, no matter how wrong my employer was for trying to force me into an unsafe situation. I...
Lord, ord Interview Wed 15th- Still praying without ceasing. Please Help me succeed.
Thread starter###
Start dateThursday at 11:05 AM
Tagsamazing job country: united states evil spirit satan occult demons faith grant discernment ability favor faith protection opportunity healing...