Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that you asked us to stand in agreement in prayer regarding your health, especially addressing the throat cancer and the difficulty in your breathing. If your request was answered already, please post a praise report acknowledging how Jesus Christ helped and let us all know. If your request not seem to have been answered yet, In Jesus Christ's Name please post these requests again as a new request maybe you were silent or are loosing hope!!! and allow us to continue with this prayer in unity and stand strong in consensus with you in prayer. May
God bless you as you continue to increase your prayer in your needs in faith sustain you through His Son Jesus Christ mediate at the right hand of God Akk Amen
God bless you as you continue to increase your prayer in your needs in faith sustain you through His Son Jesus Christ mediate at the right hand of God Akk Amen