My daughter was born 2 and a half years ago. She was born perfect with no complications but she started having unexplained falls and seizures since April this year. Her situation progressed and she she was hospitalized 4 times and had to undergo multiple tests and scans. The diagnosis was focal epilepsy and she was having 2 seizures a day everyday. With constant prayer and laying of hands with anointing oil by church leaders her seizures stopped completely for 2 months straight and now she only gets them once in a way and they're not as severe. My prayer is that they will stop completely and that she will be able to get off the strong medication she is on that makes her sleepy and unable to function at times. The seizures and medication together with muscle tone weakness in her hips and thighs, a knock knee condition, balance issues, nerve issues and flat feet have all effected her ability to walk. She's unable to be at school and has to go for physio therapy instead and this whole situation just breaks my heart as a mom as she's smart, bright and she really loves the Lord in her own little way. She's always lifting up her hands and saying 'hallelujah" and 'thank you Jesus' and I know that the God who has given her that understanding can finish what he has started in her. Please pray for complete restoration of her body and for strength, wisdom and courage for me as her Mom.