Disciple of Prayer
She left me I think because of her bipolar condition and not taking her medicine she kept telling me for over a year. It’s not me. It’s her. I tried to get her help things a little harder she decided to call her father that lives in another state to come out and pick her up and her son, and her father brainwashing her and telling all these lies to me and my family things that aren’t true and she’s listening to him because she always relied on her father to help her when we were living together instead of asking me for help she would ask her father so now that he came and got her It’s like he’s telling her what to do and this isn’t like her at all I’ve been crying over her for the past two months telling her how much I need her in my life and I keep saying I’m sorry for any problems I have caused but now I see her father is filling her head with a bunch of stuff, and I don’t know how to pray to God for him to stop and for her to open her heart and not listen to what he’s telling her we were supposed to get married we were supposed to buy a house together I don’t know what to do. Her name is ###. Plus every day for five years she posted on social media pictures of us and how much she loves me. We have her ups and downs, but she won’t have it any other way all our friends and people know that we were going to be together forever and I just don’t know what happened. I just want her to come home, and I think her father like I said