Humble Prayer Warrior
Mathew 3:10 Luke 13:6-9 Almighty God, your axe is ready to cut off the tree that does not bear fruits. I pray to you that since I'm unable to bear fruits for your kingdom, so please cut off my life from this world. If a person who suffers most intolerable pain and stress in sickness pleads to the president of the nation to grant permission for mercy killing, so also I'm praying earnestly to you grant me a favor of mercy killing before your enemy lays hands on my life. The Gardener asks the owner of the fig tree to grant one more year so that He can till the land and fertilize it so that the tree can bear fruits; if it doesn't bear fruits, then cut it off on the Sabbath day next year. Abba Father, your Son Jesus is the true intercessor pleading to you to grant me one more opportunity to grow and prosper. Please not for my sake but for your Son Jesus' sake, who obeyed you and made a perfect Supreme sacred sacrifice on the cross for the redemption of mankind. I'm exhausted, Lord; no more strength in me. This morning you gave me your word from Jeremiah 15:11; please keep your promise so that I can live up to your expectations. Lord Jesus, I forgive everyone, dead or alive, who cheated, bankrupted, betrayed, dragged me into sin, and all those who maligned my name, gossiped about me, used my name as a curse, all those who did witchcraft, Black magic, or sorcery against me, Lord Jesus, I forgive each one of them as I feel they are the reason that I started seeking you; it is they who pushed me towards you, so Lord, have mercy on them too. Lord, I pray for all those who are suffering similar situations like me or worse than me; have compassion and mercy on them too. All those who have backslid, all those who have lost faith in you, please show mercy on them too. Open the door of churches which are closed in this world that your faithful may return back to God in Jesus' mighty name I pray.