Hallelujah, lord heal all my sisters and brothers globally, lord I know only you are our udharkrta, you are Masih, I welcome HOLY SPIRIT, I cancel all life long term diseases sugar, cancer, thyroid, stomach problems, mouth problems, leg nerves problems, hand problems Yeshua I cancel them all in your Powerful name, lord I know you cancel them all, lord I believe you are going to open financial blessings for my sister's, my brothers, lord free from family members who torture them, who beat them, who think that they are no longer of use, whose father and mother think that they a live dead body, Yeshua fill them all my sister's who are suffering from these diseases , who are suffering from beacuse of life long term diseases, who are suffering from family members disputes, who are beaten by family, lord I pray to HOLY SPIRIT touch them, lord I know you heal them , you are masih, receive with faith, thank you Yeshua, Amen