Once the world gets on something. {both individuals and the media, "media "meaning on the computer, newspapers, too.}once they get to something, it's not long before they're cramming it down everyones throat by constant repitition about how great the thing is. One of these things I've been hearing, is that pot is like a "magic cure -all" for everything under the sun.Every time I finish reading about it "cures" something that was thought to be uncurable, it's not long before I see another article that it "instantly, magically" cures some other "uncurable" thing. But the thing is this--since "the world" is usually not in tune with God{"The natural mind is enmity against God"} and the devils job is to take peoples mind off of God, with these worldly "crazes" that come and go--is it really something that's the greatest thing ever, that should be recommended for everybody, that we should "break in our kids" that it's a "wonderful thing", not a bad thing, or is this just another "fad" the devil is using to rely on pot instead of God, and to get us into drugs?Somehow, because praise of it is so widespread, I somehow think the love {and almost idolization} of pot is of the world. I somehow don't think God told them to tell everyone how wonderful pot is,and that we all could benefit from it.Huh?