Beloved of All
I don’t agree a lot of people around me as well, I did/ do have to deal with unsaved too and sinful Christians.I don't have to "approve of"or agree with, everything I see around me,.And I would be lying if I said that I did.2}Sometimes you can't avoid dealing with unsaved people, you have to work with or have dealings with them.
Are you mistreated by these people around you?
If you are We’ll pray. We pray for all on this site daily, and we would be happy to specifically pray for you.
Are these people your referring in your post saved or unsaved?
I’ve seen you talk about groups and “people”, and I said to myself it needs to be addressed, it sounds like agitation/irritation/stress, and I’m just curious if these people are mistreating/abusing you, if it’s at work, personally, I would ask the Lord for another job...no matter what situation your in, if you walk obediently, he would guide.