Beloved of All
perhaps the Lord was gonna bring ur husband on home to be with Him and then with His mercy decided He would give him ...ur husband a few more years to be with u and the rest of his loved ones? remember we r all bought and paid for and for that matter created by our God and the vessel isnt allowed to question it's creatori have just lost my husband
to cancer he was my soul mate for 35yrs i don’t know if i can go forward in life without him i miss him so much
please pray for me for God to give me the inner strength courage and peace as i don’t think i can go on
without him . he was cancer free for 6 yrs and the cancer returned
this time he couldn’t fight it anymore and it killed him
i am struggling it has shaken the foundation of my faith why would God give my husband six yrs cancer free and then allow it to return and kill him ? i just don’t understand it’s just a great injustice and so cruel