How do you tell if a guy is slowly falling for you?
10 Signs He Is Slowly Falling For You
- He gets miffed, worried or downright angry when you delay in answering him. ...
- He's not afraid to talk about the future – in fact he brings it up. ...
- It's not all about sex anymore – hereally wants to know what's on your mind. ...
- He says a lot in his eyes, not his words.
Let’s admit it – men can be hard to read sometimes! Some are elusive and wordy. Some are gruff and silent. Others are extroverted and yet surprisingly shallow and insincere.
The point is, it’s usually uncommon to meet a sane and successful man who just tells you who he is and how he really feels about you.
That’s why sometimes you have to read in between the lines and pay attention to the signs you see. These signs are sometimes more important than what he’s actually saying.
Also, sometimes what he’s saying can be so subtle you might miss his message entirely. And yes, sometimes guys give signals and say things that reveal their true feelings…and they don’t even know it!
So let’s discuss 10 signs that show he’s falling for you.
1. He gets miffed, worried or downright angry when you delay in answering him.
Men usually don’t like it when women keep them waiting. And true, sometimes men get impatient when women they hardly know don’t respond online and such.
But it’s different when a guy falls for you and then really freaks out when you go silent. Now he’s thinking “What if she’s upset?” or “Is she OK, did something happen?”
The more agitated he gets, the more telling it is that he’s falling for you.
2. He’s not afraid to talk about the future – in fact he brings it up.
Guys that aren’t that into you loathe thinking about the future. They are happy in the now. But a guy that’s fallen for you, will let you know over time that he sees a future with you. He wants to plan his life around you. This might be a subtle thing at first, but notice the pattern.
3. It’s not all about sex anymore – he really wants to know what’s on your mind.
It’s no genius observation to say guys fake an interest in what a woman’s saying because they want sex!
Here’s the thing. When a man falls for you, it’s not just about lust anymore. He becomes attracted to your personality. Your life. Your way of thinking and what’s going on in your daily routine. That’s when it’s time for intimacy, when he’s already falling for you and has given you those signs.
4. He says a lot in his eyes, not his words.
It might be a cliché to say it, but people really can “feel” what you say with your eyes. The longer you stare at a person…the way you imply thoughts with just a glance. All that is very obvious, even if we think we’re hiding those emotions. Pay attention to what he says in those wordless moments.
5. He becomes protective of you, especially around other guys.
When a man falls for you, he starts to treat you like family – even before the fact. He may get defensive around other guys, or simply thinking about possible safety risks. While some guys do get carried away and become controlling, for the most part, a man simply expressing concern is a sign of great affection.
6. He remembers all the little details about what you do or say, the stuff most guys forget!
Best way to tell if a guy is really falling for you? When he actually remembers birthdays, anniversaries, and other sentimental things. When he actually remembers specifics about what you said, or habits you have, or anything that you say in passing.
The fact is most guys do NOT retain this information. They repeat information you give them, just in the moment. They don’t remember…unless they already have emotional investment in you.
7. He is always determined to make you happy.
Whereas many guys are stingy about their time, a guy that likes you will stay up late entertaining you. He will make every effort possible to make you feel good and laugh, even after a tough day. That’s when you know you’ve met someone special, someone who just wants to make your life easier and see you smile again.
8. He will gladly break plans just to be around you.
Guys play hard to get when you first meet them, don’t they? They don’t want to break plans with friends, or reschedule a trip, or sometimes even get out of bed to do you a favor. They just want sex…maybe a date. A series of dates might even be too much to ask from the average guy who always fast-forwards to sex without emotional engagement.
But as he gets to know you and love you, he will start to see the value in providing for you. It makes him happy.
9. He always keeps his promises.
This is truly an expression of love to live up to your promises and to never promise something you can’t commit to doing. Even among friends you trust, it’s not every day you meet someone that lives up to every promise. In a relationship, it means everything.
10. The way he touches you (or doesn’t touch you) changes.
Finally, consider that when a man starts developing intense feelings for you, he does not think so little of touch. He will either shy away from touching you too intimately (because it’s actually what he wants) or he will touch you with MORE emotion, letting you know he wants to advance in the relationship. He wants you to know he feels safe.
As we can see, when a man falls for you he really can’t control himself – at least when it comes to the little things. He reveals his true feelings in the details. Sometimes it takes everything he has to control himself and carefully choose his words.
But if you notice what he’s feeling, and showing in body language, you might be surprised to find out his emotions are coming out furiously.
That’s a good sign because when a man falls for a woman, he’s the one who will want to advance in the relationship. Men are happier when they lead. Learn to notice the signs and then tell him what he wants to hear, to continue growing in your love for each other.
Text him this to trigger his desire to chase you…
Did you know that you can trigger a man’s hormones through your text messages?
It’s true. How you communicate with a man can actually release different hormones in his body.
One of the most important ones is testosterone because that’s what makes him CHASE you, pursue you, and invest in you so that he gets “hooked” and desires something more with you.
I pray for you in the name of Jesus Christ amen
