Beloved of All
Lord you knwo what happened last ngiht i am soo heartbroken. Lor doyu know i mean.. i odnt knwo how to deal with this... Lor di beg yu if oyu havehusbandfor em despite all unbelife despite aynthign please jin me wihtt he man you want me to be with in holy matrimony accodirng to your pefect Will before i turn 34 years old. i ask tha tyou heal my fmaily form dperession and my mom of asperger sysndorm i ask that hat my mom doe snot rule over my lif ebut oyuod Lord. i aks oyu help me wiht clenaign i ask you meal pelae all marriages. ia ks you giv em a husband better than i can ask or imagien out of your heart Lord. i neg oyu i never want to eb hurt dissapoitned ever agian form a man. please God i ask oyu please wiht ht epower of you HOly spirit hela me and save my lfie form depression hopelessnes al thigns ar epssble unto oyu Lord and oyu said yu came togiv eme life an dlife in abundance. please be glorified by giivng me my own husband befor ei turn 34 who will love me so deeply like i have neve rbeen loved ever. soemoen hwo really realyl is my HUsband who wants to be wiht em only who wants to be a fmaiyl whod die forme and vice versa.someoen who will make me happy and vice versa. pelas ehal them help them and destroy whateve ris preventign us form beign togehtepelase brign my husband to me Lor dthe one who is mine and Iam HIs. Lord you are not the author of confusion i pra you lead us both strognly ot oyu Lord an dmay you join us sos trognly nothign no no devil satan na d nor eachohe rnor the world could ever break our marriag eunin and our immanse love for one another i pelad oyur forgivness i pelad oyu hoyl blood on thiy prayers. i also pray that you hela my parents in every way and that oyu heal thier marriyge. pelas eLord inervene yu cna domiracles. iodnt want my parent slonely sad depressed andmore. pelase so pelase osmehtign to giv ehtem merry hearts. my da id lonely please help with their loives. Lor dplease coem itno our lives. hela my brothers teeht. pelaxe give grandé storng merry heart. Lord i beg you i need you please plea sie beg you to intervene. please giv elal my fmialy merry hearts strgnthen oru hearts please bless all my fmaily mmebrs iwht merry hearts forhte rest of oyur lives provid eour needs. pleas ei ask for my ownhusband befor ie turn 34. i ask that oyu permantley remove whateve ri tis that is preventign me form haivn gmy wown husband. tear down disbelif tear down depression form my life hoplessness and sorrow. pelas ehal my dnetla flehs heal my boo suar issues. pelase hela my mother of asperger syndorm. Lor di need clena direction form oyu today. please hela me ocncenring yesterday. pelase Lor di pelad oyu HOly bood uponmy life and upon my husband. join me wiht my own husband i dotn want to be loenely anymore. i want to live iwht my husband. im also beg oyu to hela my grdna,m Lor id feel so aloen please send and angel toministe rto me toda.y ineedhope i ebg you pelase hear my cry for help . my lif ei so stagnant and id i feel so alone pelase if i was made for a man pelase join me wiht the man you mad eme for . int henameo fthe Lord Jeu sCHirst. i pray htis for lal woemn too and men. pelase Lord hela my parents marriage heal my mom sform asperger syndorm. pelas help Lor di beg you. i seek oyu pelas ehal my cry and hela Grandé form dmentia form depression strenghtne her srtrengthen e .Lor di feel so controleld myyb my mom. pelase i beg oyu eb the Lor dof my lfie nto her.. pela ie beg you iwant my ownhusband who loves me like oyu do youd died forme and ivce versa. i dotn wnt to eb aloen amore. despite my uneblfi i beg oyu pelase give em my own husband. create a husabnd who will be forever fiahtiful and love me so mcuh like Chirs tdoes. i dotn want to be hurt be myhsuband pelase you knwo wher ei am weak.. pelase no husband who smokes drinks flirts iwht other women and is unloving. pelas eno ocutnerfeit husabdns. pelase giv em my own husband please giv eme my own husband lor make him to be a man tha ti am so happy and in lvoe iwht an docntect and vic eversa. s real belssing. a real joy t be with for the rest fo my life. not someoen who put smre last in his lfie btu always first afer oyu always first always for we are one flesh PleaeGod make my husband fidn force himf ind me. and dont let my own unbelfi my own imited thignkin or any satanic thign hinder this prayers request.i seak it wiht oyu hOly blood pelase anser htis request please hal VIlke too heal that girl whto wasina ccident no amputaiotns. pelaseshow my who i am in Chirst pelase help me Lor dim weary. im weary save me Lord Jue Chirs.t pelase heal all dehydraiton issue sin my fmaily pleased elive rus ofrm crushed spiti. also my huband too whoever He is.. Lor dplease Lord make my huabnd find me now accoridng to oyur will. pelase elt me KNWO with a10000000 ocnfirmaitons wo my huband is and vice cersatell my husband whoever he is whoI am his wife form God pelase Lor di achknowledge oyu pelase make all my paths straight. elt me hear form oyu Lord please make htis a a good da.y im so sad pelase take my sorrow into joy oday. pelase please send me and angel to minister to me the thign sof the Lord. pelase laos help that girl hav eher own husband too int heand th enameo fthe lord Jeus Chis.t pelase i aks inyour name for a husband ofmy own before i turn 34 years old already amrrie dbefor ei turn 34 yers old. ahve merc ynad hear My grandma hela her bowl dleiver her form small bowle obsturtion syndorme. forgiv emy sisn help me car for ehr. pelas eno fiigtign wiht my mom. please don let let her upset em today pelasiem so down and and everyhitgn always revolves aroudn so tire of itpelas ehav emercy. pleas elet me have life outside my fmialy i want my own husband my own fmaiyl. pelas elOr dhave emrc yi ask for htis in the nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst accdirng to oyur WIll. do all in your peower to heal my grandma ot heal me and my mom and dad andmy broher. heal our bodies. dleive rmy fmaiyl form satn. dlever my husabdn form satan. pelase dleive rem husband form all strange women. and em form strange men.pelase lord let me hear oyu voice toda.y help me pelase delive rme and my fmaiyl form scurchse dspiits giv em me hope giv eme joy. and same iwhtmy grandma dheal er. Lor dpelase everyhitng is so stagnant help pelase please pelase help emand my fmaiyl becoem who oyu want us ot be brign joy and mercy into our lives helaign help me clena the chouse Lor dhelp me to foccus. i ened oyur help pelas ei ebg you. haev emrcy..