Here is a testimony of a man who's wife left him for someone she didn't even know. The testimony came from Dan Mohler who was his pastor.Lord. My marriage is struggling. I have a hard time trusting my wife and it pains me that she doesn’t love me. I feel so lost. But I want to be an honorable strong man of God. Lord be with me. Be in front of me. Be with every step I take and guide me. Forgive me for the times when I didn’t put my trust in You. Please help me overcome my disbelief. Guide my life. Don’t let me look back. Let me step forward with you. Michael.
"A man walked into my office many years ago. His wife got on the internet and thought she found 'love.' She got mystified; she filed for divorce in no time and walked out of the house of her husband and two small children to live with a man that she never met. He was broken for a whole week in his bedroom, screaming and yelling at the walls, "How God?! And Why God?! How could this happen?! Why would you let this happen?! My heart is broken, you've got to bring her back! God, how could you let this happen to me?!" Five long days and sleepless nights he screamed like a madman in his bedroom, his life rocked, his world devastated. After five long days, the voice of Almighty God came into his bedroom backed by the presence of an amazing God and he said, "Clarence, would you stop praying that way you don't have a problem." He looked at the ceiling and said, "What? is this some kind of joke?! What do you mean I don't have a problem? I’m holding divorce papers, my children don't have a mother and my wife is in the arms of another man and you say I don't have a problem!!" "Clarence, you don't have a problem, your wife is in trouble, would you pray for her?" He come running into my office, crying so hard and my mind said, 'here we go, this is going to be tough because I've got to preach the gospel that I know.' And he looks at me and says, "Pastor, don't look so alarmed, I'm not crying for me anymore, I've heard from the Lord." He said, I don't have a problem, God is bigger than what has happened. My wife is in trouble." He began to pray and intercede after a quite a long time she came back into town, they got connected, he told her "I love you and I don't see you as if you ever went away. I love you. " They got reconnected and found out she was pregnant not to Clarence and he said, life comes from God, if I've forgiven your sin, then I embrace you and what's in your belly, and I will be the daddy because God is love."
Father God, help us all learn to love as you love. I ask for mercy for his wife and a revelation of Your love, for if she knew your love she would not be doing what she is doing. I bless this marriage with shalom. In Jesus name. Amen.