Brother James
Beloved of All
Praise Jesus for a humble heart!
I've asked men and very few women (I believe women are not to teach or hold biblical authority over men) who have ministries online and in-person questions or concerns regarding bible translations and questions about their ministries. Most of them will not respond, and the ones that do can be quite mean. A few years ago I went in person to see a ministry. As he found out I was asking questions about the ministry and translation they were using, he told his second wife (they either knew they were in error in their doctrinal teachings or they were completely ignorant) to host the meeting online he was supposed to teach. Then I received an email from him telling me never to come back to their building. He is a coward, and he is a false teacher (with the exception of some truths) who claims the KJV is the only true version of the Bible. He is the founder of his church and is married for the second time (according to Timothy and Titus's letters, he does not qualify as an elder or overseer due to his first marriage not being in good standing or being believers), and his new wife is listed as an elder, which is not biblical either. I do not see the KJV Bible being the only true bible out there, especially by the way he and his congregants treat people while claiming to be followers of Christ.
Most of the work I've done reading and studying has been on my own. I've asked for help, but it is very hard to find.
I do find the future prophecy of Revelation 11 to be fulfilled interesting at this day and age. I grew up in a generation without cell phones and limited computers. I will never be fully acclimated to the technological changes that have occurred over the recent couple of decades as I enjoyed being, interacting, playing music with, and even confrontation (don't like this as much) sometimes with people in person.
"7. Instant Worldwide Communications will be Possible at the Time of God's Final Two Witnesses"
Most reading and studying has been on my own as well. I actually remember when I first realized what religion I wanted. I thought there has to be something with the only religion that shares with us why we have to die. The only religions that did this were the Christian and Jewish religions although then what? I finally decided on Jesus was the way and after looking at all the denominations (Calvinistic, Catholic, Methodist etc) I determined that all of them had some truth so I just kept reading the Bible and eventually just learning on my own with the help of the Holy Spirit. Whenever the Bible showed me to be wrong I would in a sense just start all over. I believe God/Jesus chooses Us first so I don’t necessarily judge where another is at in their walk although I do judge for myself if I am going to listen to them or attend their Church kind of thing. We all have the ability to be Loved and Forgiven by Jesus as well as change our ways so I don’t talk about another especially in my judgment about them as their lives aren’t over yet.
By the way the only reason that I wondered what state you are in is to determine if there is a chance we could meet, other than that I have no agenda.
I just realized that you are female so I actually have no desire to meet as I am married. I’d have to bring my wife along with if we were to meet so no worries on what state you are in : )