Lord, I am being threatened by my wife. We are already in the midst of a divorce I did not initially want. I don’t want my marriage to end, but I also cannot be in a marriage with a woman who constantly hates me, treats me with disrespect, is toxic towards me, and uses me for my generosity. I’m sorry I got mad earlier at you, it was wrong. I need to trust You. You know she is trying to place her will in me and control what I do. Lord the only person who should to that is You, but I shouldn’t be mad that she tries. I need to keep following your guidance and direction and doing what’s right, You are going to lead my down the path of being in the right place. I will take steps in the faith that you are leading me to greatness and joy and positivity and a better future. Help me to grow and be a better Christian and man. She wants me out of the house soon, please open up a door for that if that is your will, to a place that is clean, safe, affordable and near the kids. Lord please allow for some alleviation in this constant cruelty. Heavenly Father please reach down and make away for this to move forward. I have been praying for my wife to draw back close to you, but now I’m just praying mainly for me and the kids. Keep us safe, bring us to a place of closeness with you. Help me to be a great father to them and show them your light and love. I need to not look at the lions around me and just look to you Lord, you know what is going on and you are at work. Thank You and praise You. I love you so much Lord.