Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Proverbs 22:16:
He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.
Commentary on this verse:
By withholding our time from the poor, we judge the character of that person without ever investing in getting to know them. We oppress them with our criticism and judgments. If these are people of integrity, we have lost out on the richness of a lasting, wholesome friendship. We are poorer because of that loss. Likewise, because we want to have rich friends for a whole bucket full of selfish reasons, we can invest too much of ourselves into pursuing their friendship. If these are people of integrity, eventually they will discern our motives and keep their distance. If they aren’t people of integrity, they’ll use us until we’re spent. Living Proverbs means we dig deeper into our motivations and how we invest the wondrous gift of time. Do we use that time to be critical and judgmental or greedy and self-serving? Then we need to readjust our attitudes and motives and not show favoritism.
Our prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to never oppress the poor for our own gain or give to the rich at the expense of those in need. May we always strive to be generous and compassionate towards those who are less fortunate, and may we never forget that true wealth comes from serving others and doing what is right. Please guide us in our actions and help us to always remember the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
箴言 22:16:
透過剝奪窮人的時間,我們判斷了那個人的性格,卻沒有投資去了解他們。我們用批評和判斷來壓迫他們。 如果這些人都是正直的人,我們就失去了持久、健康的友誼的豐富性。由於這種損失,我們變得更加貧窮。 同樣,因為我們出於自私的原因想要擁有富有的朋友,所以我們可能會投入太多的精力來追求他們的友誼。 如果這些人是正直的人,最終他們會辨別我們的動機並保持距離。如果他們不是正直的人,他們就會利用我們,直到我們耗盡。 活生生的箴言意味著我們更深入地挖掘我們的動機以及我們如何投入時間的奇妙禮物。我們是否利用這段時間進行批判和判斷,或貪婪和自私?那麼我們就需要調整自己的態度和動機,不要表現出偏袒。
He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.
Commentary on this verse:
By withholding our time from the poor, we judge the character of that person without ever investing in getting to know them. We oppress them with our criticism and judgments. If these are people of integrity, we have lost out on the richness of a lasting, wholesome friendship. We are poorer because of that loss. Likewise, because we want to have rich friends for a whole bucket full of selfish reasons, we can invest too much of ourselves into pursuing their friendship. If these are people of integrity, eventually they will discern our motives and keep their distance. If they aren’t people of integrity, they’ll use us until we’re spent. Living Proverbs means we dig deeper into our motivations and how we invest the wondrous gift of time. Do we use that time to be critical and judgmental or greedy and self-serving? Then we need to readjust our attitudes and motives and not show favoritism.
Our prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to never oppress the poor for our own gain or give to the rich at the expense of those in need. May we always strive to be generous and compassionate towards those who are less fortunate, and may we never forget that true wealth comes from serving others and doing what is right. Please guide us in our actions and help us to always remember the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
箴言 22:16:
透過剝奪窮人的時間,我們判斷了那個人的性格,卻沒有投資去了解他們。我們用批評和判斷來壓迫他們。 如果這些人都是正直的人,我們就失去了持久、健康的友誼的豐富性。由於這種損失,我們變得更加貧窮。 同樣,因為我們出於自私的原因想要擁有富有的朋友,所以我們可能會投入太多的精力來追求他們的友誼。 如果這些人是正直的人,最終他們會辨別我們的動機並保持距離。如果他們不是正直的人,他們就會利用我們,直到我們耗盡。 活生生的箴言意味著我們更深入地挖掘我們的動機以及我們如何投入時間的奇妙禮物。我們是否利用這段時間進行批判和判斷,或貪婪和自私?那麼我們就需要調整自己的態度和動機,不要表現出偏袒。