Lord free me from the shackles of a bad attitude. For I am described by my wife and daughters have described as aggressive, arrogant, belligerent, blunt, callous, critical, cynical, dishonest, distant, envious, guarded, hostile, indifferent, pessimistic, prejudiced, prideful, resentful, rude, sad, selfish, suspicious, unemotional, and untrusting. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster for such a long time maybe for many years wondering "how can things change for the better?" I feel completely trapped, hedged in and overwhelmed, with no solution in sight. I'm confronted with a challenge where there is no resolution and my heart is heavy with doubt as I can’t figure out what to do next, for there appears to be nothing I can do about what I now face. Work in my heart and mind to transform my thinking from negative to positive - despite the daily struggles I constantly face. Fill me with a joy that can only come from you. Fill me with a joy that can only come from you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.