Beloved of All
Lor dpelase dleive rem form metablic acidosis. pelase heal my grandma who has been bedridden for yyears. pelas ehal all my fmaily hearts giv eu merry hearts. Lord dleiver me and my grandma and all peopel form type 1 diabetes and flesh eatign bacteria. Lor dit is my dream to marry a man who is bone of my boen flehs of my flesh. pelase unite me with my boen andboen flehs off lesh. i dont knwo who He is but make HImfind me recognize me and em Him by the powe rof the Hoyl siirt and join s to be oen flehs. i ask that you expose to me ALLL ocutnerfeit husbands and clearly say who my husband is no. if you dotn want me to marry than please take this desir eout ofmy heart now!! i dotn wanna be lonely anymore. but at the same time i dont want to be ot of oyur wIWll. Father God pelase you provide a mate for the birds . pelase do the same for me. iask for a husbadn form almighty God in thenameof the Lord Jeus Christ. pleas ealso help me stay foccused. please dleiver em formintrusive toguths. teeth problems periodontisis diseas.e hela broken teeht misaligned teeth dleive rmy heart form unforgivness botternes resentment towardss fmsaily and for ebign aowman. help me to embrace the life you have givenme. ehlp me find you toda.y help me go tothe post office. if youa re wilign givign me the exact numebrs that will win the lottery accordign to your wWill. ehlp me preahc the gospel. open doors. dleiver me from corona phobia. help me to be wasteful giv eme th epower to resis the deivl. be my friend for aiam so lonely.a ksign you to plese gv eoyu alvation to my parents and helaign them mentally physicall emotinally and develope them amture them dleiver themf orm all unforgivness bitterness anger resentment and reocnciel my parent sin holy matrilony by the power of the blood of the Lord Jeus Chris.t please take away all toxic peoela dnthigns form my lfie. pelas ehal them save them Lord but take away whatevr is tocxic form peopel towrds me. Make me the apple f your eye. remove all flase God form this worlds .expose all fals eGods. Lord Jeus christ oyu are the Livign God. Pleas egiv em and my grandΓ© al fmaily also Vilike and also help my dad protect all my fmaily form accidents collisins devil traps quareling drunkeness. giv eus exclelne tblodo pressure and sinsulin. dleiver us form all flehs eaitng bacteir aworry fear anxiety and gerbittenress and devils that give us paststs int he house. help em to clena the house wihtout my relative yellign at me. dleive rmy moter form asperger snydorme if youa re willing. please reveal yourself to my neighbour healr them their teeht and giv ehtme merr yheart . Lor doyu knwo ym heart oyu knwo my dreams you knwo it all. i kindly aks you toPLEas eforgiv emy sisn. i forgive all who sinend agisnt me. pelase rmeove lal eivl form my life. deisspointment sadness. pleas eGod. pelase dleive rme form poverty form all curse.s elp me care fo rmy grandma. pelase do all n your power to send me all the holx angles who can help me and my fmialy and all people today forevr int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t Lord help me to surrender my entire heart to oyu and please pleas ehelp me do Your WIll. dont make it so hard.. plesse i dotn want to eb on ende i want to trus toyu. i wanan be happy. Lor dplease pelase pleas epleas eplea shelp me not be dos depressed . dliever my famiyl form depression. Lrod please giv em wisdom HElp me hear your voice. help me to patiently wait for oyu.. of Lor dpelas ehlp me thanky u