God Is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, therefore will not we fear. Pray the 46th chapter of psalms. When all things seem as though it is failing in your life affairs right now, and even when your mind is troubled throughout your prayers to him because of the circumstances, Your faith to pray to him a alone grants his promise to see you to safety. But you cannot Give up on yourself nor him, that is giving power over to your fears, doubts, and limitations. Stand up strong through this test of your courage and faith to believe that God is able to deliver you this very day and he shall give you the way out. Don't try to figure it out, just give it to him. This is why you are praying to him in the first place, because the weight of your circumstances are too great for you to fix it by will power alone. God is there to deliver you from the very sight of trouble because you trust in him and reaffirm this, therefore you will not be afraid. Say "God is with me and I am not afraid", everyday when doubt comes in. Giving up on ourselves and God is not an option and I won't have the devil to convince you to perform this. Right now together you and I are Going to turn to our heavenly father for help in your time of need and thank him for delivering you right now!! Tell the devil that you shall not fear at the sight of him, because we know that God has already prepared the way out for you and there is nothing he can do to separate God's love for you. There is no problem to big or too small for him. Cast your burdens upon him and he will give you rest. He loves you so much, your are his child and he will fight for you. Your angels are there all around you to help and aid you. Thank them for assisting you. God Bless You. Keep the Faith. All is well. Amen