Beloved of All
It is a proven fact that "Being alone for a long time is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day". I have been alone for years despite of my many prayers each day. For 4 years I have prayed to find wife, and I feel lonely because I dont even have friends. When I see other people who have found partners I feel that God has blessed them and left me out. Others always get, I never get. Now, as I said before that being alone is proven to be bad for health. Now how do you explain that God loves me? How do you explain that He has best interests in His mind when He sais no or later? If God lets me to be alone despite of fact that I have been praying for 4 years. And each day alone is as bad as smoking 15 cigarets then how is it loving? How is it caring? Why do you guys give me false hope that God has great plan for me and blessings are gonna come soon? I have seen those "prophets" for years on this and other sites who say that God is going to answer me sooner than I expect and make me happy and bla bla bla. Stop it. Prophesy is not your caling, you do not have authority from God to tell lies. Now I want everyone who has ever prophesied on this site to come and admit in this thread that God is not as loving and as caring as you want to show Him to be.