Beloved of All
I'm really tired of being different. Socially awkward and not easily able to make friends. I try hard to make friends, meet people. But people are strange themselves. Television/movies make people even more suspicious and paranoid.
People don't want to meet others outside of their little group or social circle.
I want friends. Good friends who are worthy of my time. I want a Proverbs 31 kind of mate. A Ruth/Boaz sort of marriage. I want my best friend and soul mate.
I want and deserve financial blessings based on scripture says "Give and it will be given. Pressed down, overflowing. So much that you cannot contain it all." God says "Test me and see." I've been a chronic giver. God says he's no respecter of persons.
I want and need my health and the health of my family to be completely restored and better than ever. Jeremiah 30:17, Isaiah 53:5. Plenty of Bible verses saying that we are healed by Jesus' stripes and he wants us healed.
God in heaven, I'm asking that you move on my behalf and that of my family quickly. Jesus died for our sins and we as your children, you said you will hear from heaven and answer us, giving us good things while we are still praying.
Bless me richly so I can have more than enough for day-to-day needs and plenty to share and bless others.
Make me into the person you want me to be. Filled with joy, laughter, hope, happiness, and the love that Jesus intends for us to have.
Lord, bless everyone here. Bless and meet their needs. Help us to love and care for each other daily in this crazy world.
People don't want to meet others outside of their little group or social circle.
I want friends. Good friends who are worthy of my time. I want a Proverbs 31 kind of mate. A Ruth/Boaz sort of marriage. I want my best friend and soul mate.
I want and deserve financial blessings based on scripture says "Give and it will be given. Pressed down, overflowing. So much that you cannot contain it all." God says "Test me and see." I've been a chronic giver. God says he's no respecter of persons.
I want and need my health and the health of my family to be completely restored and better than ever. Jeremiah 30:17, Isaiah 53:5. Plenty of Bible verses saying that we are healed by Jesus' stripes and he wants us healed.
God in heaven, I'm asking that you move on my behalf and that of my family quickly. Jesus died for our sins and we as your children, you said you will hear from heaven and answer us, giving us good things while we are still praying.
Bless me richly so I can have more than enough for day-to-day needs and plenty to share and bless others.
Make me into the person you want me to be. Filled with joy, laughter, hope, happiness, and the love that Jesus intends for us to have.
Lord, bless everyone here. Bless and meet their needs. Help us to love and care for each other daily in this crazy world.