As far as I can see, there's a pandemic all right, but not the one everyone but me is obsessed with, coronavirus, but of rudeness.Someone can't say I'm imagining it, because the Bible tells us,"In the last days people will be{and one of the traits is "lovers of self".Now if someone is a lover of self{as opposed to others}, they likely will put themselves first, and not be too concerned with treating others right, or their feelings,So it's in the Bible that people will be like that ..not my imagination.Also..."Because of the increase in lawlessness, the love of many will wax cold."The word "rude" isn't that I know of in the Bible, but what I can see is that this seems like a fallen nature trait, because of the self-centered nature of it, and because the Bible states that in the last days "Critical times hard to deal with be here, .People will be lovers of self."People were unsaved since the Garden of Eden,but in 2 Timothy it stresses"in the last days", being , God will lift the restraints and let them give in to their fallen nature"full bore."I notice just in the last several years, they got worse. As bad as it was a ways back, there were at least a few "havens" where people were a little "nicer", or at least if you were a customer in a store,they had to deal with you, so they at least made a pretense of being 'nice."Now, I've had where I the customer ask a legitimite question, and they don't even answer, or make eye contact with me.If you tell the manager, in the old days ,they would respect a customer, and tell the worker. Now, they have this arrogant attitude that they have enough customers,{you're "dispensible"} and "cover for" the rude employee over you.So as the Bible pretty much says about the last days, their nature gets worse. {Not my imagination.}, I don't see the word "rude" in the Bible. But based on other things in the Bible, and that Jesus said "love your neighbor"{not "be rude to them"}I would say this rudeness , based on self centeredness, is of the fallen nature. Eh?
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