Prayer Partner
I'm not sure how to word this but will attempt: I was in a shelter for 15mos. during that time a staff employee I or my spirit picked up something wasn't "Right" with her it was a very strict supposedly Jesus&God based facility. I couldn't understand why I'm the only one whom was experiencing something about her that is not right. I believe she's a witch I found her @ one time when staff searches cars she was sneaking down in my car planted samples of cologne being sneaky other staff members were not picking up on her but when I would go in the career center there to look for housing jobs there would be like a very confusing spirit in that room as residents there you had to give her your email address& password which I feel I didn't need to do I couldn't find job things were being prolonged for me she has a manipulation spirit& control whenever staff member would complement me or get close to me it was like she didn't like it. I know this may sound crazy but I believe she's still trying to prevent me from succeeding I finally got a place which was a mighty of God she didn't congratulate me or wish me any success I believe seriously that she was trying to prevent me from getting out of that shelter I would here her typing behind me when applying for jobs. I've been asked to come&give testimony of where I'm @ now there's somethings showing me her face&saying not to do it but im only trying to encourage the ones who are there who don't see there way out or see anything happening its tons of rules there it's like control issues when you speak against a staff they get mad pray for me that this person (###) be exposed she's not who she say she is. when I go doy testimony I will speak what God did&is in my life&that none of witchcraft prayers being against me coming out will work I came in that shelter with 13 yrs. clean delivered, celibate and with a relationship with God&his son I requested things being a resident there that was given when i knew they had other residents would request 15 items expensive orthopedic shoes received all i ask for was a pair of flip flops which they had never received them. pray that will deliver what God wants me to&no witch or any spirit that is not of God pray against that happening.