I'm up fierce prayer warrior I pray for everyone and everything but I'm hurting it's taking me 9 months and I'm still hurting over a narcissistic horrific relationship with my ex-husband I'm praying that the Lord would bring this man to his knees I believe he's with another woman the divorce is taking forever because he has a free attorney and I don't have one I had to fire her halfway through because of the price! Also I have a little ministry called the Firebrands Deliverance ministry and I go out into the streets to preach and minister to the homeless and the drug addicted and we have church every Sunday here in the little church in the backyard of my house! I'm hurting right now cuz my granddaughter Destiny and her mother's Maria are fighting really bad and my daughter can tend to be very abusive she can't stand seeing Destiny anorexic and telling me that her legs are skinnier than her arms she's skin and Bones won't eat and constantly exercise it grieves my soul that the granddaughter once new as my precious little girl that I brought up in the Lord when she was young been over 5 years that she doesn't really talk to me he doesn't go to church anymore and just the enemy has done a number on her I want that devil under our feet I want this demon of anorexia out of my family and off of Destiny and I want Maria to humble herself under the mighty hand of God and cry out and be delivered from worldliness from the cares of this world that she runs after the world I know she believes they will accept in Christ but they need to make him Lord but my heart breaks for my little Destiny she's 19 but she's so frail and she needs Jesus so bad please pray in Jesus's name the only one that can do anything my Jesus my precious Jesus I plead the blood over them right now I plead the blood the blood the blood I pray the divine intervention right now Lord and even in my own heart I've been so broken over this relationship the damage that it's done I've been traumatized of the lies and the deception and the betrayal has been so painful my whole life has been painful with betrayals and poor relationships ever since my mother abandoned me as a child I want to be healed of this and I don't want to attract any more people like that in my life I'm here to serve the Lord I'm a servant of God and daughter of the most high my birthday is Saturday I'll be 60 years old I shouldn't be feeling like this feel like a little girl sometimes broken abandoned and rejected I guess that's why I have such a heart for those that are broken abandoned and rejected out in the streets in Jesus name help me Lord