From my attorney.
So the issue is any violation petition we file and send out will still have to be proven. To prove it will fall on the same day as the trial. So I can send out and do another violation petition but it will not have any effect until we have the trial. I can still draft and file one if you would like so he gets the picture that you will not back down. This one with him using another name in an address near where he lives that should be an easier one to connect. We just need the 722c sent back to me so that I can get an investigator to see what he says and then we can, if necessary, send a subpoena to all the phone companies. Just know him showing up does make this more complicated. It would have been better to just go to inquest but now we have to have a full trial. I still also have not heard back from the attorney if he will accept a restraining order.
He's still calling/me my friends even when the judge told him not to. This is a message from my legal advocate, please pray for me. I believe he's getting away with this and I'm deeply depressed.