There will be no problems to face is we know that our life will be here to live forever, but the truth of our existence is very short and we can be called home anytime.
Be ready, be watching for the time when Jesus will tell us. Your time is up. Come home my dear children. I am waiting for you. I have chosen you from the begining of the earth to be a blessing, to help each other, to honor and praise God above all things
Yes Lord. I am ready to see You face to face.
What a wonderful day that will be....
When my Jesus I shall see.
Be ready, be watching for the time when Jesus will tell us. Your time is up. Come home my dear children. I am waiting for you. I have chosen you from the begining of the earth to be a blessing, to help each other, to honor and praise God above all things
Yes Lord. I am ready to see You face to face.
What a wonderful day that will be....
When my Jesus I shall see.