Servant of All
This is a two-part prayer: (1) I recently wrote a children's book after I had a dream about it. I wrote some query letters and sent out to 5 literary agents. I'm excited, nervous and a bit terrified, as I have no idea what will come of this. I don't think I'm terrified of success anymore. I'm definitely not fearful of failing. God knows I've done enough failing in my life, I'm used to it, so not scared of that. Ha! I would just like to ask if you would please pray that I may receive representation soon for my book and/or hear from one/them letting me know how I might improve the story if I need to. (2) I lost my biggest client in June as they are in FL and decided to go with someone local that they could pay less as they are states away and a nonprofit and have to stick to a budget, but I'd been with them for a year. Since June, I've been able to find small one-time clients (I work from home as a writer & editor) for little jobs but nothing on-going. Right now, I have one long-time client but it's not for many hours so not much money there, although I'm thankful for the client. Could you please pray that I continue to be able to pay our bills and put food on the table. I've been able to stretch our money through August but after that, I'm not sure what I'll do. I like being here for my child and that's one of my biggest dream come true - being present for my family when they need me. It's my greatest love. So please pray that I receive a financial blessing however God wants to send it - through a publishing contract, through new clients, whatever, as long as it will be a happy and welcome blessing. Thank you so much!