Disciple of Prayer
I would like to pray to live & not die. My brother always threatening to kill me. Two month ago, the first Wednesday in August he came trying to break down my bedroom door with a long knife saying he is going to leave me like a sive. I don't say anything to him at all, even before he started threatening me. This has been a year & a half since he wanted to be at war with me. On mornings he used to looked at me very nasty for no apparent reason. So I started shunning him. I would go to my room. May 13th he treated to killed me. He to me he is going to cut my head off & he is going to enjoyed see me suffered & die in pain. He is going to make sure I don't die one time I'm going to suffer for about half an hour before death. He told me that right in the presences of my mom. The first week in August around 10:30 am he came trying to break down my bedroom door with a long knife saying he is going to stabbed be up when he is finished I'm going to be like a sive. My mom had to beg him to don't killed me. He told her you only gets ten to fif-teen years for murder & nine month is one year in jail & the time those fun fast & he will be soon out. I have to live in horror each day. I have to sleep with a machete under the pillow to protect myself if the worst is to come while I am asleep. He told me if he don't get me one way he us going to get me the other while I am a sleep. So that is the reason why for sleeping with the machete. I can't even watch a movie in the living room at night because I am afraid I fell asleep & he attacks me & killed me while I am most vulnerable. I can't be in peace he is always verbally abusing me. Can you believe I never did him anything? I never ever experience anything like this in my whole life only from him. He is on drugs. When he can't get money to buy them he gets very, very, angry & take it out on who he belives is vulnerable. My mom is always telling me when she is not at home go to my room & keep the door lock. He is on drugs & when the height that he was on gone he would take it out on anyone in sight. Please pray for me I feel like the most unluckiest person on the planet. That same brother had a lot of money from me & never paid me back & now wants to killed me. please, please pray for me my life is in danger.