Christianity is not a religion, Jesus when on this earth asked people to believe in God's commandments and love everyone. Lord wants people to be kind helping others , do righteous things and humble. Jesus .asked people to become God's disciple. That is all. After the crucifixation of Jesus, His disciples only named His followers aS CHRISTIAN,
Read Bible New testament and become x'ian. He is living God and He will surely not leave His son. Do not expect wonders all of sudden. For Saitan will fight against you in front of God as he also haS entry to God's place/ As per Bible when Mosses was taken to heaven. saitan asked Gabriel angel to hand over his body raising many reaSons. More over God has his own timing. Jesus son of God waited for thirty years to get abhishekam from Father Lord, But trust ,have faith and pray daily . You will find change
No religion teaches enmity ,violence etc. ONLY LOVE
May God bless you