"The secret things belong to to God""Concerning that day and hour, noone knows, neither the angels in Heaven nor the Son, but only the Father."Sometimes revelation is given from God to His servants. But sometimes it's more of a case of a Christian speaking out of their own "viewpoints " and mindset and stating things according to how "they" see it, not actual revelation from God. Like, for years now, I've heard tv evangelists .sating , "Oh beloved, I don't see how we can have more than {states a very short amount of time.} Well that time comes and goes, in fact, many years have passed since each of them have said that, , but although they had said,"We're living in the last of the last days. Trust me when I say, before this year is out, we'll be home in Glory."that was like 20 years ago, some more, and if they "knew" why are we still here? I think that has a bad effect on us, because when the world sees that, it gives them more ammunition against us. Others have actually set dates of Jesus' coming, claiming they put some numbers together and came up with the time. Trying to figure out with mans wisdom Gods plans. "Concerning that day and hour NOONE KNOWS, neither the angels in Heaven nor the Son.BUT ONLY THE FATHER."I think Christians trying to "calculate"Gods plans by stringing figures together, or by their "feelings" on it, should take heed. It's not revelation, it's just mans attempts."The secret things belong to God."Agree?