Humble Servant of All
I pray to be healed spiritually, mentally, and physically. I pray for great health, a new home, a new job, a new car, and a new iPhone. I pray to be protected from my neighbors next door and just for my body to heal. I feel cursed and as if someone did something to me. It started out a couple of years ago, and I just haven't been happy, and it's been taking a toll on my health from all the years of being around negative people. I had a lot of negative people inside of my family. Fake friends I went through, bad relationships, and negative family members. I was hurting for years and stressed out; I didn't feel happy or like myself and just spent time around the wrong people. I pray for healing. I pray to be healed from all the pain that my mother and brother put me through; they didn't like me, and my brother would act strange around me and would be moving weird every time he saw me. He would be up in his room listening to me while I sleep in my mother's room or in the living room. I felt like I had no privacy, and I felt like my entire mood changed whenever he would come in the house, and it scared me living with this man. He would tell me that I couldn't be in the kitchen or to wait until he came out of the kitchen to go and do what I had to do. He's strange, acting very hostile and mean; he would call me names and talk bad about me all the time to family members, even to my dad. I had to stop speaking to the both of them one time; they were very negative, and I couldn't take it. So, I would walk past them and say hi sometimes; they both kept talking down on me, and I was always nice to them. I pray to heal and to get back to myself. My mother was telling people I was taking medication for schizophrenia, and I felt like she betrayed me and should have kept that to herself. She tried to make me out to be crazy, and before I even checked myself into the hospital voluntarily, she was telling people I was schizophrenic, and I wasn't. I felt like she was trying to put bad stuff on my life, and she told me to get out of her way when I asked her if she was okay when she fell trying to fix the washer and dryer. I felt like she was trying to intimidate me. I used to sleep with her in the bed, and she would tell me not to move a certain way, and I would lay in one position most of the night. She was staring at my neck when I was asleep, and she would tell me where to stand when I would wait outside to pick up the groceries. She even used to drive really fast whenever me and her would be in the car; she was doing it on spite, and she wouldn't let me help her with the groceries, and she would tell me to move and to get out of her way. I pray to be healed from all the trauma and fear that I went through living with this lady and surrounding myself around her. I don't think she likes me for real even though she buys me stuff; she still says mean things to me whenever I just try to talk to her and tell her things. I pray for a new home so I can be at peace. The man upstairs does things when I walk on the wooden floor; it's like he follows me around the house. If I go to sit on the couch, he would move above me in his house and start dropping things right above me and start making noise. He's insane, and it bothers me. I used to see him catching the bus and would be terrified of walking past him on the bus or even walking outside. I felt like he had a curse on me and did something to me inside his house. Strange things have been happening to my body for a long time, and I've been praying and reading the Bible. Sometimes I feel okay, but other days I feel worse. I pray that whatever spiritual attacks he's sending me that they be gone away! That man is evil, and he be following me around. It doesn't seem real, but it's actually happening. If I touch my arm, he makes a noise right where I'm at, and it bothers me; it scares me. I know my body wouldn't lie to me; I feel these things, and even when I was standing outside one day, I felt like my entire body just felt weird. I didn't know what to do. And I had my feet underneath the covers, and he started dropping things right above my feet until I caught a muscle spasm in my toe. I never felt anything like that. I feel like this building is against me; strange things have been happening to me even with the intercom. I was talking, and my entire face felt strange, and my mother was speaking to me through the intercom and kept going and was cursing loud so the neighbors can hear her. I don't feel safe around her at all and want to move away from her. She didn't want me to get my own room, and anytime I mention me moving out, her entire face changes. I feel like she wanted me to stay down. I don't like this not one bit and would like to move away from her and have my very own place.