Good and Faithful Servant
I pray for the remnant those of the truth not as man has taught, but as the truth, that God taught the true God not the God of this world Satan. For Satan Lucifer sowed his tares amongst the wheat, meaning he gods truth and twisted with his own interpretations. IE: Romans 13 never did mean to obey Govt it said to obey liberty. The word power in Romans 13 came from the Greek word Exousia, and Exousia means liberty not power. While your not free to just go 100 miles an hour in speed zones etc... you're still at liberty to follow Gods will over mans. So I need prayer that a true end times Remnant will rise up and bring upon the earth Prayers over me and other remnant peoples around the world through these end times. For I believe we are way past the Mark of the beast and Babylon needs torn down. Babylon is mans system as it's said in Revelations along with the Whore the Beast and false prophet all need torn down. Plus along with all that I've been posting on here over the last year about gangstalking and v2k etc. is true and that's all part of it as well. The false prophet is and has mostly been the church sorry if that offends but the two horned beast speaks like the lamb but acts like the Dragon. From all that I've ben listening to there is an elite Group of who knows that say they are the ones who are in charge of this world etc... But this need torn down and as it says in Revelations needs to fall as it say in the Book. What I've been going through for sure tries to keep me from reading scripture, and following god as what Satan would do. It's been threatening to kill me if I read scripture I can't hardly sleep for the noise that I hear in my ear 24/7. I can't do this I need my daily food of faith to keep praying and fighting against this. But the thing is I believe we are in the times of the battle of Armageddon, and the devil is getting his armies together to fight God's armies, using his truths against Gods truth's so we need I need a Remnant, the women who is in the wilderness to start praying ceasenely, not just for me but for themselves etc... All this stuff and evil needs torn down either through prayer of other. So please pray in agreement over this thank you.