Disciple of Prayer
I pray for peace with my children and their spouses, and My grandchildren. There is only 2 of my Grandkids I am concern about. There is so much jealousy between them. It has cause hatred in their heart for each other. I have tried to asks for peace. But, it is not working. I have property that my husband and I want it to stay in our Side of the family. But my two Grands don't get along. One has harassed her so much as they was coming along in age. Now my granddaughter 17 yrs is saying she don't want to have anything to do with my grandson 18 yrs. I want peace. All of this is because of a girl who betrayed my Granddaughter as a friend and went with her boyfriend. Now the girl has befriend my grandson. And she is using my grandson to next to my Granddaughter skin. By finding out what my Granddaughter is doing in life. And he can't see it. He is on social media with the girl. It is causing problems. With the adults. My son and his wife say it's ok for their son to be with this girl. But, the girl is putting pictures and saying things to hurt my Granddaughter on social media. And her friends are telling my granddaughter about it. They do have Mutual friends. I been trying to resolve the problems but, the situation keep getting worst. I am going to give it to God to make a change. My daughter Law is the big problem. She is causing a lots of this problem. She transfer to my Daughter's sorority chapter AKA. Knowing she could have gotten into another chapter. She Persistently asked for my Daughter's chapter. Now, that is a big problem. She loves to undermine my daughter every chance she gets. She started trouble in my family and my husband family. She is a nosy person and selfish person. I pray for her to stop this negativity back and forth. She don't like me. She never did. She has accused me of saying things about her. I only said she should not have spent my son's hard earn money when they were getting married, while he was gone on the ship. The person I told it to, took it back to my daughter in law. I only say hello and good bye now. I do not have anything to say about anyone. She brings it up every time we have a problem. back to me every time to hurt me. To make a point. At the wedding dinner party at the beach house. Her Grandmother, her mother accused me of beeping responsible for my son whipping her 5 yrs son after tell him to put his shoes on. They came at me as if they were going to fight me. My husband stop it. He turned out to be a good boy after that whipping. I asks god for forgiveness on my behalf. I even Bagged for her forgiveness and her have an apology. So I asks God for forgiveness, if I don't anything wrong. Now I have these two Grands that want communicate with each other. My husband left my Son-in-Law as manager over our church's Chicken business. But, he did not put a penny in the business. My son started the business. He want communicate with my son or me. We are part owner. He feel like he owns the business by himself. But, he don't. I have all the bill on me and my son, when he can't pay the bills. My son and I can't get our money back from the business. We need our money. So we can live comfortable. I can't pay my bills. I could not get Social Security. Because I did not put in any. And my husband did not put in enough into his SSA. I have to work 2 more yrs. Before I can get anything. I have so many bills. I need a new roof. The house is leaking. And do not have enough money coming in. I have loaded a lots on you. Please pray for me. Patricia Ann Williams 3923 Fairfax Street Jacksonville, Fl 32209