I pray for my salvation i pray and i tried repenting multiple times but i feel my heart is hardened or maybe im not sincere or genuine im not sure why.. maybe God isnt calling me to be His? i tried to repend i feel i cant change i have anger issues and so much addiction its hard to give up i dont want to live worldly but at the same time i do i need prayer i want a change of heart i feel like i dont know what to believe anymore im trying hard to get close to God i have prayed many times i feel he is distant from everyone im not sure if he is real i dont know so much is going on im always scared im always sad and depressed and im confused i really am. I pray for my seborreic dermatitis to be supernaturally healed or i find a permanent cure it is taking over my self esteem so much and im losing hair from this. I pray for my anger problems that i can learn to control them and get help and i pray i can find a good homey church to go to and my mom can come to i pray for my parents and fmaily for a heart change and that God change them and our current situation. I pray for everyone suffering from coronavirus and those who dont have it but the scared spirit i pray that this will clear very soon and things get back to normal. I pray that i can one day find someone specifically a virgin if possible i want a good girl i never been in a real relationship i was in some dumb stupid online thing and i regret even thinking that would work and got hurt from it. I just need answers my dads doing really slow because of the coronavirus his business and he gives me and my mom money every month for rent and stuff and my little money cant pay those bills so i pray that we can make it through so we can as well as anyone else with a similar situation. I want us to move so bad we dont have the money yet and i want us to start fresh plz message me if you would like