Beloved of All
Father draw us all closer to you. Closer to thee God of the Universes not the false god we have in our head. SWEETY God is for you not against you. If he forgives you of all sin then why do you continue to hold on to unforgiveness against yourself? This was a question I had to ask myself.I have some symptoms of Cushings. It is quite rare, and I probably don't have it, but I just had a urine test come back with elevated cortisol and I have been referred to an endocrinologist. This should be good news and I should be really happy about being referred, as a lot of doctors don't take morbidly obese women such as myself seriously when we bring up the possibility of our weight gain being due to a rare disease. HOWEVER, I haven't stepped on a scale in like seven years because I am so humiliated, ashamed, and totally messed up about my weight. It is going to take every bit of courage I have to step on the scale, even if I do it backwards and don't look at the number. I am going to ask them not to put it on my outgoing paperwork, but they probably will. I can' with this. How am I going to find the courage to do this??? This experience may be the key to getting a diagnosis, so it's important that I do this. But it's in the back of my mind too that it may actually prove to be nothing. I am trying so hard not to get my hopes up. I am trying to see this all from God's perspective...God who does not look at the outer person, but at the heart. But it's hard. Despite being morbidly obese for a long time as an adult, and even struggling with my weight in grade school, there is still some vanity in me. I had a few "good years" where I was actually kind of a knock out. I still have some pride.....I need a miracle....Thank you.
It comes down to not trusting Abba Father for whatever reason .
First get a real understanding of who God is He created you and me in his image. Don't let your flesh get in the way of a healing, and finding the support you need.
I pray you see yourself through Gods eyes. Get in His Bible, and see what He thinks about His creation You. You are so much more than weight, or your looks.
Zaphania 4:16 says God sings over us. Jesus himself prays for you.